How to choose your business gifts?

Le 19 avril 2023

Advertising by object, is a term that is often misunderstood in today's marketing. However, according to the 2FPCO study (French Federation of Object Communication Professionals) for the year 2020, the business gift is the 3rd favorite means of communication of the French.

The essential points to choose your business gift

Goodies will have an impact on your brand image, whether by what it inspires, but also by what it represents, here are the essential points to respect in 2023.

Choose useful promotional items

The more useful the object, the more it will be kept by your customers who will make it an everyday item. This is why simple objects such as pens, key rings or even notepads have long been used by brands.

Before gifting a goodies, it is important to put yourself in your client's shoes: do they need such an object? Do they already have one or more? Will they use yours?

Innovate when choosing the object in its shape or type

Today, society having evolved a lot, some objects have fallen into disuse. If the object is not innovative, original or rare, it will likely be relegated to the back of a closet or even be thrown away.

Go for products that will have original shapes or a little more compared to other promotional items of the same type. For example, if you choose a notebook, it is possible to find objects with an apple leather cover or even reusable notebooks.

Do not skimp on the quality of the advertising product

If you invest in promotional items, you might as well play the game to the end. You are certainly not the first to make a gift to your collaborators and you will not be the last. But you can be the one they remember. Thus, a quality, high-end product will never be a bad investment.

In the case of food or wellness related products, if the product is of poor quality, you might tarnish your image. Moreover, the perceived value of the object is assimilated to the value of the relationship with the company by the receiver. Thus, a low-end gift would indicate a relationship of low importance.

Stay consistent with your image and your activity

Whatever product you choose, ask yourself if the choice is clear and consistent with your image and your activity. Will the customer easily understand the connection to your brand? Will they be able to remember your structure thanks to the product? According to the 2FPCO study, the fact that there is a logical link between the object and the company's activity increases the memorization rate.

Move towards ecological products

For several years, consumers have indicated that they are sensitive to the eco-friendly feature of business gifts. When they receive gifts from brands, they are more inclined to have a good image of the company if the ecological nature of the product is clearly identifiable.

Why choose business gifts for your communication?

According to France PUB 2022, 1.111 billion euros (+4.1%) was spent on business gifts, representing 3.4% of spending in the communication market. However, according to the 2FPCO study on advertising objects in 2020, this media would be the third favorite of the French. Promotional items also have a very high recall rate, reaching 78.7%. This rate can even increase to 86.7% when the object is delivered by hand.

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How to choose your business gifts?

How to choose your business gifts?

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